New York

The most expensive burger in New York

Its creators admit it is the ultimate in decadence: a $175 hamburger. The Wall Street Burger Shoppe just raised its price from $150 to assure its designation as the costliest burger in the city as...

A $1,000 Sushi Roll

The High Roller sushi roll that sells for $1000 will be served at Koi restaurant in New York : It starts with marinated and poached fois gras that is covered with succulent Langoustine (lobster). Then...

Rolls Royce gets the world’s most expensive hood ornament

The New York International Auto Show at the Jacob Javits Center features a stunning Rolls-Royce motorcar mascot designed by a Manhattan-based jeweler. The mascot, known as the Spirit of Ecstasy, sits on every Rolls-Royce coming...

The Plaza Hotel Reopens In Style

After almost three years of extensive renovations at a staggering cost of US$400 million, New York's most famous hotel finally reopens its doors.

The Plaza Re-Opens For Hotel Stays

After a two-year break, the Plaza in New York City is finally open for hotel stays once again after a $400 million. The hotel opened yesterday and now has 282 guestrooms including 102 suites with...

Terrariums by Paula Hayes

A new generation of designers is re-discovering the mini-garden and the aficionados are watching it wholeheartedly. Terrariums are back now. Artist Paula Hayes, a New York sculptor, painter and landscape designer is eying new possibilities...

World’s Largest Gucci Store – Gucci New York

New York can add another feature and tourist attraction to its already long list - the new Gucci flagship store about to be opened on 725 Fifth Avenue. The new store will be the world's...

Goldman Sachs To Buy 230 Park Avenue For $1.15 Bln

Goldman Sachs Group have just bought 230 Park Avenue, New York for $1.15 billion from a property investment fund owned by Dubai's government. Istithmar World Real Estate sold the property to Goldman's Whitehall Fund and...
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