luxury charter yachts

Lagoon Charters Start In Vietnam

Hong Kong-Vietnam Race sailors are familiar with the downhill spinnaker romp to Nha Trang in October, all over in a day or two. But what if one could fly in, hire a charter yacht, spend a relaxed week or ten days seeing the sights and sampling the lifestyle in this lovely part of Vietnam, and fly back out again? No hassles, and no responsibilities.

Dolce Vita And Gulf Of Thailand

AsiaMarine, charter specialists in Thailand for 35 years due to founder Vincent Tabuteau, now with compatriot Eric Noyel, has a potpourri of vessels available, and in the large motor yacht bracket, a stand-out offering is the Numarine 105HT Dolce Vita.

Exotic Charter Vessels Join Camper & Nicholsons Fleet

The Aria Amazon boasts a contemporary style and luxury, designed to exceed the expectations of today’s sophisticated travellers. It is the only vessel to offer the facilities of a floating five-star hotel on the river. Find out more...

Guest Column: Phuket’s First Bareboat Charters

My personal voyage in Thailand began in 1989, when yachting and the concept of chartering in Phuket was just getting started.
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