Buy your own Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton

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Have you ever wanted a full-size Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton for your own? Jurassic park is your favourite movie ever and you have 40 feet available in your studio ?

Then the Tyrannosaurus rex fossil replica is for you. Made to order, the replicas are 40′ long and 12′ high at the hip.

The position can vary based on your house’s layout or where you want to keep him in your front yard.

Each STAN T. rex skeleton is constructed according to your creative needs. Whether you want your skeleton walking, stalking, attacking, running, jumping or looking your visitors right in the eye!

The strong, steel support structure is hidden within the bones, allowing the eye to follow the in-motion appearance of this impressive, crowd-pleasing fossil skeleton replica.

STAN (the original fossil) is the largest, most complete, Tyrannosaurus rex, of the male morphotype, ever found. It has been discovered in what had once been the sandy bank of an ancient stream, the bones of the skeleton and skull were separated and spread over a wide area.

Spring floods eventually covered the bones with mud where they remained buried for more than 65 million years. This disarticulation resulted in near perfect preservation of the skull.

Available on The Black Hills Institute of Geological Research for $100,000! only

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